Home Invest Kids Inc is the largest charity working to end woke practices on children.
No Child should be forced into Drag Queen Story Hour, nor be asked to consider changing their sexual identity.
Let's put American children back on top as world leaders.
We partner with parents to ditch the pronouns and focus on God, Entrepreneurship, and Freedom.
We are parents fighting back for the sanctity of your children's hearts and minds.
HomeSchool Resource Center
Monthly Virtual Workshop - “Don’t Let The State Steal Your Kids - How To Break Free From Babylon So Your Kids Don’t Go Woke.”
In Person Family Retreat - “How To Homeschool
With 1 Hour Per Day.”
You can help us reach even more kids by donating today!
You can help us reach even more kids by donating today!
Work with us
We organize regular trips and learning experiences for the kids to have someone to look up to and learn from.
You can join us and come teach life lessons that some kids have had throughout their lives with no one to guide them.